
New Earth Star Sanctuary in the virtual world of Second life is the main theme of this site, but also featured are certain activities on other spiritual sims (simulated lands) where the NESS Core Group participates. (At this time gatherings and dances are on hiatus.)

With this website/blog I include also articles and videos of others (often with commentary by me) about virtual worlds as being potential platforms for “New Earth” experience.

The New Earth Star Sanctuary is dedicated to holding Spiritual Presence in the world of Second Life. Most of the gatherings (when presented) are focused on the channelling of Maia Kyi’Ra Nartoomid via the Akasha and guidance from her inner-planes mentor, ThothHorRa. The in-world locations are backgrounds for many of Maia’s videos. For more information on Maia and Thoth CLICK HERE.


With the New Earth Star Sanctuary I have created a Realm that contains a frequency and vibration which is imparted through the ethers of the internet out into the world. I truly believe this. The activational videos I make there, amplify this Charge. Even creating it in the first place embedded an aspect of “New Earth” into the World Collective.






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